Our Mission
Our vision and our mission is to refocus worldwide daily discarding of dialysis tubing which approximates 600,000 plus miles dumped into the landfills, estuaries and oceans every year . . . and growing.
Simply put, plastic doesn't belong in a landfill. Peritoneal Dialysis (PD) tubing and cassettes can take 10 to 100 years to degrade in landfills. Other plastic products take a long time to biodegrade in landfills as well, since the point of landfills is not to facilitate decomposition, but to prevent decomposition by merely covering up and/or incinerating.
The remainder ends up in landfills where it may take up to 500 years to decompose while leaking toxic by-products into the soil and then, the estuaries, rivers and oceans. It's estimated that approximately 165 million tons of plastic “islands” are now floating around in the oceans while satellites verify the exponential deterioration and inevitable destruction of life on Earth.
How do we intend to refocus world-wide discarding of peritoneal dialysis (PD) tubing?
Reclamation and repurposing peritoneal dialysis (PD) tubing into public display of beautiful and useful art, marine projects, vessels, irrigation, building material, emergency hydration…. the list is infinite.